Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 9

Marketing - Essay Example The main purpose of this exercise is to enforce marketing strategies that could allow the manager to take strategic decisions on various dynamics in the marketing of voice- recognition devices software (VRD) in the domestic market. â€Å"Interactive Voice Recognition or Voice Recognition Information is one of the most common telephone functions in use across the business community and is capable of bringing remarkable benefits to your company. Interactive Voice Recognition allow 24 hour access to a company from its customers Interactive Voice Recognition its phone system.† (Interactive voice recognition, 2005). Coming now to the actual exercise, what Marketing Games actually means to do is to put â€Å"you in the driving seat of a fictitious business. You have been brought in by the CEO to develop a winning market strategy that will turn the business around.† (The big marketing game, 2010). Thus the main objective of this game would be in terms of the overriding factors that contribute to profits/losses of the business, and the ways and means by which the losses could be turned around into profits. It also seeks to lower operating costs, increase productivity and ensure better all round performance. Another major consideration that needs to be taken up is also in terms of competitors, since our business development and growth is also dependent upon them, in that the business development of Speakeasy is also linked with that of its competitors who lay stakes on market shares, customer segments and volume of business and off takes. Thus, it is also necessary to predict possible competitive forays and adopt ways and means that could counter these effectively. Principally, â€Å"Voice recognition software programs work by analyzing sounds and converting them to text.† (Voice Recognition Software: An Introduction, 2009, p.1). There are only four makers of this VRD in the market. One is the product

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